Completed: Circular business model innovation in the UK cement, glass, and ceramics industries
Through collaborative research and knowledge exchange workshops involving companies and industry associations, the project served to develop a business case for the Foundation Industries to adopt strategies around Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, circularity, and business model innovation to strengthen companies’ competitiveness and reduce the environmental impact they have.
Participants reported their engagement with the project had broadened their perspective on circular business models and EDI. They especially valued being equipped with the tools to understand their organisation’s place in the circular ecosystem and how they could contribute to reduction of waste and more efficient use of raw materials on the road to a more sustainable future. As a result, the project team and selected executives with extensive expertise in Foundation Industries have set up a knowledge exchange network for sharing the best circular practices for the UK Foundation Industries. After the completion of the project, this forum continues to convene and work on the following three areas: (1) Generating winning circular ideas; (2) Advancing formulation of circular strategies; and (3) Improving execution of circular strategies.

Dr. Maria Karafyllia
Nottingham University
Published: March 8th, 2023
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