Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Foundation Industries
TFI Network+ is committed to supporting, embedding and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion across the Network. The Network has collated a range of resources to support EDI strategy within the Foundation Industries. Access the resources and find out how we are supporting our community.
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Future-Proofing Your Workforce Impact Report
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Future-Proofing Your Workforce (FPYW) was a 6-month project delivered under the…
Second edition of the TFIN+ Brochure is available
The second edition of the TFIN+ brochure contains summaries of all the completed projects from…
First Edition of the TFIN+ brochure now available
The TFIN+ is pleased to present the first edition of our brochure, summarising the results…
Webinar Catch Up: Which Future for the Chemicals Sector?
Professor Justin Perry explores the current climate of the chemicals sector, presenting an overview of…
Catch Up: Can digitalisation change the way we think about and use materials? Blue Skies, Green Future webinar
The ‘Blue skies, green future’ webinar series presents ideas and innovation to spark discussion on…