Constructive Conversations: How industry and universities can work together
23 June 2021
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Hosted by Transforming Construction Network+
Join expert speakers from across the construction industry, academia and policy, discussing the role of collaboration in transformation.
Industry and universities can work together – there are so many ways in which they can collaborate, whether this means developing ideas together or exploring problems to find a way forward – collaborating on research in areas of mutual interest, however, is both important and timely for the industry at the moment.
Bringing together high-profile expert speakers, the exciting panel members have experience across industry, academia and policy. This collaborative approach celebrates the publication of our most recent digest: ‘The Role of Industry-University Collaboration in the Transformation of Construction’.
The digest and panel explore how industry and the academic research community can work together to support the innovation and transformation of the construction industry.
Each panellist will speak for 5 minutes on their own experiences and vast body of knowledge and insight, discussing challenges and enablers to academic and industry collaboration. With hosts to include Transforming Construction Network Plus Principal Investigator, Professor Jacqui Glass, before we open up the event to lively discussion for you to get the opportunity to have your say on this important topic.
Published: June 16th, 2021
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