Energy Efficiency – Transforming Foundation Industries Conference
Wednesday 3rd November
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The three Transforming Foundation Industries (TFI) supporting groups (KTN, Network+ and TransFIRe) are jointly organising three online conferences to find solution providers to address the challenges of the Foundation Industries (FIs). Research and innovation from both the academic and industrial community will be showcased. These conferences coincide with the upcoming TFI Demonstrator Competition, thus providing a platform to bring together challenge owners and solution providers within the TFI community.
Hosted by KTN
Capturing waste heat from energy intensive processes can reduce energy costs by using the heat in other processes or by generating electrical power. Although the technology and principles are well understood, it is often seen as impractical or not cost effective.
Presentations and discussions will consider the innovation opportunities for newer types of heat capture technologies, improved ways for moving heat energy, techniques to better match varying demands and heat streams, opportunities for co-location and methods for quicker evaluation of opportunities.
Published: September 28th, 2021
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