Completed: New Metrology for Hydrogen Flame Imaging
In collaboration with PyrOptik Instruments Limited
Hydrogen is an important source of energy, but visualising and measuring the temperature of its flames is a significant challenge to ensure its safe and efficient use and to understand the combustion process. The low intensity of hydrogen flame radiation in the visible and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum make it difficult to visualize, while the gas-phase temperatures are challenging to measure accurately.
The project devised new metrology for hydrogen flame imaging and temperature measurement, utilising a near infrared hyperspectral imaging system. Three water vibrational-rotational bands useful for hydrogen flame visualisation were also identified and were utilised to form an artificial colour map with their integrated intensity used to build an empirical equation. The project therefore, has accelerated progress in hydrogen fuel development and will enhance energy efficiency by providing accurate temperature measurements and facilitating the visualisation of hydrogen flames for the foundation industries. PyrOptik Instruments Limited plan to commercially exploit these results as the use of hydrogen becomes more prevalent in the transition to net zero.

Further reading
Yang H, Lai Y, Liu X, et al. Experimental and simulated study of the relationship between color camera imaging and color-modeled equivalence ratio measurement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.
Liu X, Zhou H, Lai Y, et al. Characterisations of self-excited nonlinear oscillations at varied system parameters in a Rijke tube with a premixed laminar flame[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2023: 110923.
- Characterisations of self-excited nonlinear oscillations at varied system parameters in a Rijke tube with a premixed laminar flame,
- Experimental and Simulated Study of the Relationship Between Color Camera Imaging and Color-Modeled Equivalence Ratio Measurement,

Dr. Yufeng Lai, University of Sheffield,
Published: October 28th, 2022
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