TFIN+ Workshop for Post-Doctoral Researchers- funding for small projects
The Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ has available funding for PDRAs for small projects of between 3 and 6 months duration
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The Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ has available funding for PDRAs for small projects of between 3 and 6 months duration
Glass Futures, through collaborative engagements with respective and relevant stakeholders within the glass industry and its supply chain, and its UKRI government funded UK-India Lab-to-Lab Collaborative Project, have captured some of the high-level, broad-based sustainability challenges that the glass industry faces across the entire end-to-end process.
Dr Lucy Smith is a Principal Researcher for the Circular Economy Group at the Materials Processing Institute, where she leads on projects relating to resource efficiency, sustainability, and material recovery from waste. She is a member of the recently formed Transforming Industries Future Leaders Group and represents the Institute at a range of external Working Groups.
After the dust has settled following COP26, this half day conference will consider the main outcomes of the summit, the implications of the key commitments and pledges, discuss what was missing and debate the next steps.
Professor Iain Todd explores developing a digital, sustainable future for Materials Intensive Manufacturing.
The Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials is inviting you to join their next webinar!
Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ has teamed up with Inclusioneering to deliver this workshop exploring equality, diversity and inclusion in the Foundation Industries.
The foundation industries operate on long term investment cycles. This means that many companies are now planning the facilities that will be in operation in 2050. But the need to reduce carbon emissions and improve resource efficiency are impacting not just the foundation industries, but also their customers. What types of materials and products will their customers be wanting to purchase this far into the future?
Michael will provide an overview of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with the global aluminium industry. He will then explore the solutions
required to achieve the targets set out in the 2015 Paris agreement and more recent sustainability conferences such as COP26.
Professor Justin Perry will explore the current climate of the chemicals sector, presenting an overview of different potential approaches to chemistry and aspects of how it is operationalized. This webinar will present several different aspects and scenarios and invite the audience to question and debate the future of the chemicals sector.