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Dr. Tom Flint : Computational metallurgy in solid, liquid and plasma states; Recent developments and Implementations

As part of our ‘Blue Skies, Greener Future’ seminar series, Dr. Tom Flint from University of Manchester spoke about mathematical frameworks that describe materials in solid, fluid, and plasma states […]

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Published: July 18th, 2024
Posted in News, TFI Network+ News

Foundation Industry Sustainability Consortium Strategy Workshop

The event was an opportunity for the TFIN+ team to discuss some of the major issues facing the Foundation Industries, and to contribute ideas for new themes and collaboration opportunities that could be […]

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Published: March 27th, 2024
Posted in Events

19th April – Blue Skies Greener Future, A global renaissance of metallurgy: Birth of metallurgy 2.0

As a part of Blue Skies Greener Future series our second speaker is Zhongyun Fan. He is a professor of metallurgy, the founder and Director of BCAST – Brunel Centre for Advanced […]

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Published: March 18th, 2024
Posted in Events

ECR Net Zero Conference Presentations

You can now access the slide packs from last week’s amazing ECR Net Zero Conference on the conference website. A marvellous collaboration between C-DICE, CO₂RE – The Greenhouse Gas […]

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Published: March 11th, 2024
Posted in TFI Network+ News

ECR Net Zero Conference 2024

TFIN+ is now partnering with ECR Net Zero conference 2024 which is being held in Birmingham on 27 & 28th February. The aim of the conference is to foster a collaborative, […]

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Published: January 29th, 2024
Posted in Events

Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering Seminar- Prof Clive Randall- Cold Sintering of Ceramics

It was great to host Prof. Clive Randall from the Pennsylvania State University and hear him present on cold sintering of ceramics at the The Department of Materials Science & […]

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Published: November 3rd, 2023
Posted in Events

Foundation Industry Forum 2023

This TransFIRe event was sponsored by the Henry Royce Institute and the TFIN+. This gave us an opportunity to network, share insights and learning across foundation industries, in order to support progression […]

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Published: October 30th, 2023
Posted in Events

Metals Expo September 2023

Attending the UK Metals Expo 2023 was a fantastic experience, there was a real vibrant and diverse range if people in attendance. Over the two day event, the SUSTAIN team […]

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Published: September 28th, 2023
Posted in TFI Network+ News

Inorganic Materials for Resource and Energy Efficiency

An all-day conference on “Inorganic Materials for Resource and Energy Efficiency” was co-organized by the TFIN+ and the UK Chapter of The American Ceramic Society. Over 50 participants attended the […]

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Published: September 11th, 2023
Posted in Events

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